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Task 4

Looking back, I’m glad I researched into different courses (and other routes forward) because it has given me a proper opportunity to really think about what route I want to take after college. The most useful thing about the SWOT analysis for me was being able to evaluate myself and figure out where my strengths and weaknesses are, so I am able to improve them in the future. Thinking back over the research into progression overall, the conclusion I have drawn is that I will most likely not go to university straight after college. I have been thinking of taking around a year to do freelance work for people, and build my portfolio up, and maybe end up joining a studio. If that doesn't work out, I could always go to university after. The key target I am setting myself moving forward over the rest of the course is to make sure I provide high quality evidence for the work I produce, from now to the FMP. Doing this would also better me as a creator because working off of a plan is always much easier and plans are essential when working in a studio environment.

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