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My Advert:
MacBook Pro.png
For my advert, I have chosen to make it based on a Macbook Pro. Last year I modeled a Macbook Pro in Blender as a personal project, but I didn't end up doing anything with it other than the plain image as you can see.  When it comes to the target audiences for Macbooks, I imagine students are the type to be looking for one. Macbooks are really good for things like video editing or photo editing, or for just general use, so students are the more likely to invest in one. Especially if they are into editing in some way.
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For part of my primary research I produced a survey to get an idea of what people prefer to see in adverts. I've done this so I could get a good idea of what people would like to see.  I found out that most people prefer watching fast paced and snappy adverts.  However I feel like I can create an advert that can still satisfy the watcher by making it slow paced.
Primary Research:
Experimental Research:
Denoising Research Pic.png

The quality of a 3d render is determined by "samples". The more samples you have less noisy the final picture/animation is going to look. Lower sample counts means shorter render times, and higher sample counts longer render times. It is always common to use high sample rates because you don't want to have the quality of the image bring down your work, however it can depend on what situation you are in. For example if you are on a tight deadline for a project an you've done all of the optimization for a scene as you can, then lowering the samples maybe the only option to render on time and make the deadline.  However in recent years, developers have come up with methods of reducing noise digitally, using math algorithms. Denoising adds little, to zero extra render time, and the results they produce are really impressive Blender has two methods of denoising built into the latest version. One is better with still images and one is better with animations. I have done some tests with the animation denoiser for this project. Here are the results. EASIER TO SEE LINK




















As you can see, the results for my project are incredible (Mainly because the scene itself is quite simple). I will definitely be using denoiser for the final render of this project and other projects to come.




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